You’ve finally decided that it’s time to get help for your business. Congratulations! You’re growing! And we know that decision wasn’t easy. But now it’s time to to actually do the hiring. You want virtual help - but who? How? What do you do to make sure you make the right decision? Before you start on your hiring journey, take these three things into consideration.
Know What You Want Them To Do When you’re swamped with work, all you can think to do is get help. As fast as possible. But that’s the worst thing you can do. You really need to take some time to think about what you want your virtual help to do. That means understanding what needs to be done with your business and what you’re willing to let go of. Is your social media lacking because you’re spending too much time selling your products? Do you spend hours blogging and wish you could spend your time more productively working on new products? Maybe your customers are getting angry because you’re unable to respond to them quickly when they email or call. Determine what it is failing, or at least, what isn’t working optimally that could if you had someone dedicated to it. Know What You’re Willing to Let Go Of You have to decide if you’re willing to let go of work. When it’s all you, when you do everything, it’s extremely hard to hand off the work to someone else. If you can’t delegate work, hiring someone will only cause you further stress because you’ll be doing your work, and then continually micromanaging theirs. If you have regular, in-house employees, it’s easy to delegate work because you can see if it’s getting done. With a virtual assistant, you can’t tell if she’s currently working on your tasks unless you ask. And the more nervous you are, the more you ask, and your VA won’t get anything done because she’ll be on the phone with you reviewing everything you’ve discussed previously. Understand yourself and what you can hand off to someone else. Create an Interview Template It’s important to be able to have all of your questions answered. Take the time to create a list of everything you want to know about a potential candidate. When you start an interview without questions, you find yourself discussing all of your problems and not asking about her qualifications. You already know what’s going wrong on your end of things! You need to find out about the candidate’s background, her experience and how she’ll be able to help you. Compare, Compare, Compare Take your time before choosing a virtual assistant. Compare the qualifications, experience, availability, rates and policies between each of your candidates. Your patience will be rewarded because, rather than selecting the first person to come along, you’ll have chosen the best person for the job.
Author28+ years of business experience. 15+ years of virtual experience. topics
May 2020